“CashGuard takes care of all the risk at the point of sale and gives one complete peace of mind in a cash business.
As a result, management can spend more time running the business and focus on their customers.
Disciplinary issues relating to cash have been eliminated!”
Steve Ford – KFC
The fast food industry typically involves a large volume of transactions, with extended opening hours and plenty of room for error.
CashGuard improves efficiency and speeds up customer throughput, which is a key component of a successful fast food operation.
As fast food establishments are also vulnerable to theft, CashGuard also protects against this, by completely removing access to cash, from the cashier till point to back of office.
No more preparation of floats and lengthy cash ups means no disruption to customer service during changing of shifts and overtime is eradicated!
As Cashiers are no longer responsible for cash, they can now focus totally on customer service!